1. We have a bias for action.

We value action over planning. We try things to see if they work, rather than hypothesising if they might. We find the riskiest assumptions and test them first. We get out of the building - testing in the real world. We value data and ruthlessly seek it out.

2. We are bold.

We want to achieve hard things. To do that we need to make bold calls, and are happy to take tough decisions. That excites us, rather than intimidating us.

3. We figure it out.

We are all learning. We find answers ourselves, rather than waiting for them to come to us. We find and talk to experts. We read. We reason from first principles where we can.

4. We move quickly.

We see great value in speed. We follow up quickly. We never delay.

5. We are happy to be vulnerable.

Doing hard things at great speed means we will often be wrong, but we’re OK with that. We support each other. There is no ‘failure’ if we have learned and come closer to success - and no shame in missing the mark.

6. We know that value comes from execution.

Great strategy is worthless unless it’s delivered. We persevere and do the hard things to make the strategy come to life. But… we aspire to work smart not hard and try to automate or outsource to free up time to be creative, and to live our lives outside of work.

7. We are all owners.

We take - and are given - an unusually high degree of responsibility and control over our work. We view our projects as our own business.